Despre mine pt1, Solutii Lectia 10

My family moved out. They live in California now.
I hate proud people.
Mirella's boyfriend lives in Italy.
Did you hear the news?
Actually, I know what you're saying.

2.2. to come – to leave, to go; young – old; love – hate.

- My name is Vali, I finished Letters at the University of Galaţi two years ago. I also worked in a company named Webhelp. We were supposed to assure support to clients from various countries that were looking for a tourist resort to the seaside or to the mountains. I left that job looking to grow in a larger city. I hope I'll become an Area Manager one day.
- I'm tall and thin, I've got long dark hair. I'll wear jeans and a black shirt. I'll have a yellow book in my hand so that you can recognize me.

a) Larisa este din Iaşi. FALS – este din Bacău
b) Ea a terminat studiile la Medicină. FALS – a terminat Economia
c) Pe prietenul ei îl cheamă Dan. ADEVĂRAT
d) Cei doi ies în oraş cu grupul de prieteni. ADEVĂRAT
e) Cu toţii povestesc întâmplări haioase. ADEVĂRAT

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