18. La Concert - Cuvinte / Expresii Audio Engleza de Baza - Invata Scrierea, Pronuntia, Citirea - Vocabular Practic pentru Incepatori, Copii Gratuit Online Cuvinte Text---Dialog Text Ro---Text En---Audio En---Gramatica ---Expresii 2 2 dictare.mp3 anxious.mp3 he came back early.mp3 he reached the farthest looking.mp3 he was hurt the worst in the accident.m how was he those early times.mp3i admire her more than you do.mp3i d like to invite you to my party.mp3< i d like you to come to my party.mp3i like history less than he does.mp3i ll ask the driver to take bring you t i wouldn t miss it for the world.mp3it s a better place.mp3 let me wave for you for a taxi.mp3< my sister won the least at this game.mp phrensy.mp3 she speaks french better than.mp3she speaks loudly.mp3 she speaks more loudly.mp3 she speaks the most loudly in her class text lectie8 A2.mp3 this is what matters the most in life.m thrilled.mp3 tis so called artist sings worse.mp3to be kidding.mp3 to mock at.mp3 to persuade.mp3 to recall.mp3 to run out of.mp3 to sell out.mp3 to trigger.mp3 today the sun goes down the earliest.mp we just kept walking farther thinking.m will you join us.mp3 yesterday he got up earlier.mp3you will take a cab taxi.mp3 Ghid de Conversatie Roman-Englez Audio Gratuit Online