13. Discutie In pauza - Cuvinte / Expresii Audio Engleza de Baza - Invata Scrierea, Pronuntia, Citirea - Vocabular Practic pentru Incepatori, Copii Gratuit Online Cuvinte Text---Dialog Text Ro---Text En---Audio En---Gramatica ---Expresii Parent Directory athletics.mp3 bag.mp3 basketball.mp3 boxing.mp3 can i do something for you.mp3classic black.mp3 does it fit you madam.mp3 early.mp3 expensive.mp3 follow me please.mp3 football.mp3 gym.mp3 gymnastics.mp3 handball.mp3 her size is 38.mp3 hockey.mp3 how much is it.mp3 i d like to try on a jacket.mp3i like volleyball.mp3 i need to buy a pair of shoes for my wi i practice martial arts.mp3 i think i ll try another shirt.mp3< it s 30 dollars.mp3 it s cheap expensive.mp3 it s large can you please bring me.mp3< it s perfect.mp3 it s too small i need another size.mp3< locker.mp3 martial arts kung fu.mp3 may i help you sir.mp3 ordinary.mp3 ping pong.mp3 rich.mp3 riding.mp3 rugby.mp3 sneakers.mp3 swimming.mp3 tennis.mp3 text lectie 3.mp3 the fitting room is around.mp3 to begin.mp3 to dress.mp3 to hang out.mp3 to pay a visit.mp3 to remember.mp3 to spend.mp3 to train.mp3 volleyball.mp3 wear it with pleasure sir.mp3 weightlifting.mp3 what colour would you like sir.mp3< what size is she.mp3 what sport do you like.mp3 what sport do you practice.mp3 wrestling.mp3 yesterday.mp3 Ghid de Conversatie Roman-Englez Audio Gratuit Online