17. Rezolvari - Prezentul / Trecutul Perfect Engleza , Participiul trecut Exercitii , Solutii Teste de Verificare Cunostinte Gramatica Engleza Gratuit Online

4.1. I've been, have you been, they had made, I've had

a) I feel like I _have forgotten_ (forget) something.
b) They _had been talking_ (talk) for more than an hour when we interrupted them.
c) We _have been working_ (work) for him since 2008.
d) I _had studied_ (study) for two weeks for this exam and I failed it.
e) He _tried_ (try) to fix it yesterday but he needed other tools.

a) When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us. (Helen Keller)
Când o ușă a fericirii se închide, alta se deschide; dar deseori ne uităm atât de mult la ușa închisă încât nu o vedem pe cea care s-a deschis pentru noi.

b) The world is a book and those who do not travel read only a page! (St. Augustine)
Lumea e o carte iar cei care nu călătoresc citesc doar o pagină din ea!
c) A man who has committed a mistake and doesn't correct it is committing another mistake. (Confucius)
Un om care a comis o greșeală și nu o corectează comite o altă greșeală.

a) Nu mi-a plăcut niciodată felul în care el vorbește cu cei din jurul său.
I've never liked the way he talks to the others around him.
b) Am încercat să o sun acum 5 minute dar are telefonul închis.
I tried to call her 5 minutes ago but she has her phone turned off.
c) Plecasem deja când ați ajuns voi la cinema.
I had already left when you got to the cinema.

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