14. Rezolvari - Adjectivul Engleza , Gradele de Comparatie Exercitii , Solutii Teste de Verificare Cunostinte Gramatica Engleza Gratuit Online

4.1. colossal, marvelous, crazy, incredible, amazed, old, Egyptian, Greek, genuine, British, interesting, educational, Modern, National, true, exciting, professional

marvelous – the most marvelous
crazy – the craziest
incredible – the most incredible
old – the oldest
professional – the most professional

a) Anna is _funnier_ (funny) than her sister. I like spending time with her.
b) Paul is _the smartest_ (smart) boy in our class.
c) _The best_ (good) way to solve this problem is to talk with him.
d) She remembered _the smallest_ (small) detail of our conversation.
e) This painting is _more interesting_ (interesting) than the other.

a) Peter is my best friend since we graduated high school.
Peter este cel mai bun prieten al meu de când am absolvit liceul.
b) Simon is in hospital. He'll appreciate a better company than other patients.
Simon este la spital. Va aprecia o companie mai plăcută decât a celorlalţi pacienţi.

c) To succeed you need to be more confident!
Ca să reuşeşti trebuie să fii mai încrezător!

a) Acesta este modul cel mai sigur de a rezolva problema.
This is the safest way to solve the problem.
b) Mike este la fel de înalt ca și mine.
Mike is as tall as me.
c) Bunica este mai puțin activă decât vecina ei datorită vârstei.
My grandmother is less active than her neighbour due to her age.

4.6. - posibilă variantă de rezolvare -

In Brașov you can visit the Black Church (Biserica Neagră), built in the centre of the city, in Gothic style; the Council House (Casa Sfatului) – an important architectural monument in Brașov, originally built as an observation tower; and the most interesting, the museums arranged inside the fortresses designed to protect the locals against the invasions. The most famous names are The White Tour (Turnul Alb), The Black Tour (Turnul Negru), The Weavers' Bastion (Bastionul Țesătorilor), the Graft Bastion (Bastionul Graft), Catherine's Gate (Poarta Ecaterinei), etc.

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