19. Rezolvari - Vorbirea Indirecta Engleza si Vorbirea Directa Exercitii , Solutii Teste de Verificare Cunostinte Gramatica Engleza Gratuit Online
4.1. ”People say it's a world apart.”; ”everyone agrees that the best way to put an end to a sunny day on the beach is on a wicker chair in front of a cold drink.” 4.2. a) The witness stated that he _saw_ (see) a tall man wearing a black coat. b) My sister explained that she _didn't know_ (not know) anything about that incident. c) Ned believes that culture _doesn't play_ (not play) an important role in a relationship. d) Mom says she _can_ (can) always help us with homework if we need to. e) Alice told us they _spent_ (spend) lots of time together in highschool. 4.3. a) The policeman declared they solved the case and captured the fraudsters. Polițistul a declarat că au rezolvat cazul și că i-au prins pe autorii frudelor. b) The teacher tells us very often that we are his best students. Profesorul ne spune deseori că suntem elevii lui cei mai buni. c) Our boss thinks that we are fewer but we work better in a team. Șeful nostru crede că suntem mai puțini dar lucrăm mai bine în echipă. d) She thought then that the best thing to do was to blame him. Ea a crezut atunci că cel mai bun lucru de făcut era să dea vina pe el. e) They explained they didn't do anything wrong, but followed the rules. Ei au explicat că nu au făcut nimic rău, ci doar au urmat regulile. 4.4. a) Ea crede că poate învăţa lecţia citind-o o singură dată. She thinks she can learn the lesson reading it one time only. b) Paul a spus că era cel mai bun elev la matematică din liceu. Paul said he was the best student in Maths in his high school. c) Preşedintele a declarat că ţara avea o economie dezvoltată. The president declared that the country had a well-developed economy. d) El remarca faptul că doar trei fete din clasa noastră erau destul de deștepte pentru a rezolva acea problemă. He remarked that only three girls in our class were smart enough to solve that problem. e) Directorul școlii afirmă cu mândrie că toți elevii au medii foarte mari. The school's principle affirms with pride that all students have very high averages. 4.5. a) The policeman declared they solved the case and captured the fraudsters. ”We solved the case and captured the fraudsters.” b) The teacher tells us very often that we are his best students. ”You are my best students.” c) Our boss thinks that we are fewer but we work better in a team. ”You are fewer but you work better in a team.” d) She thought then that the best thing to do was to blame him. ”The best thing to do is to blame him.” e) They explained they didn't do anything wrong, but followed the rules. ”We didn't do anything wrong, we followed the rules.” |